Water sports

Water sports enthusiasts will be delighted to discover that the valleys of the Cuneo region in which our farmhouse is nestled are perfect for sports such as canyoning and rafting.

The first consists of walking the streams, both the level and more complex parts, such as narrower gorges, waterfalls, rock jumps, slides, flooded corridors, and ponds. All of this is done without the aid of canoes or rafts, so it is not possible to travel down the creek backwards, but one must follow the current until an exit point is reached or until the end of the trail. The sport takes place in small groups of 4-8 people.

Rafting, on the other hand, consists of a river descent in a special unsinkable, self-emptying raft, in which paddles are used, which are necessary to control the boat between the rapids and the river current.

Both sports can be practiced in the resorts of Festiona di Demonte and Gaiola.

We have an agreement with some facilities equipped for these sports: our staff will be happy to give you all the necessary information.